Prostitution and Solicitation Defense Attorney in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

With 227,665 residents, the city of Baton Rouge ranks second in terms of population in Louisiana. Unfortunately, with that many people living in the city, criminal activity is to be expected. Sometimes, this criminal behavior includes offenses such as prostitution, soliciting for prostitutes, inciting prostitution, promoting prostitution, pandering, letting premises for prostitution, enticing persons into prostitution, and human trafficking. In Louisiana, some offenses involving prostitution are serious felonies that carry lengthy sentences.. This is a bigger issue in larger cities like Baton Rouge, and undercover police operations frequently focus on it. It involves serious consequences that could gravely impair your future quality of life.
If you or a loved one are charged with a felony prostitution related offense in Baton Rouge, or in other parishes in Louisiana, you need to retain the services of criminal defense attorney David E. Stanley, APLC, immediately . He has the knowledge and experience required to capably defend you in court, fight for your freedom and a successful resolution of your case because he is well-versed in Louisiana’s legal system.
Everything You Need to Know About Prostitution Charges in Louisiana
What is a prostitution charge in Louisiana?
Prostitution is Prostitution is the practice by a person of indiscriminate sexual intercourse with others for compensation or the solicitation by one person of another person with the intent to engage in indiscriminate sexual intercourse with that person for compensation. For purposes of the crime of prostitution, sexual intercourse means anal, oral, or vaginal sexual intercourse. In addition, there are numerous other prostitution-related offenses prohibited by law. These include prostitution involving persons under eighteen years of age, inciting prostitution, promoting prostitution, letting premises for prostitution, prostitution by massage, and pandering.
Some of these criminal offenses are felonies, carry severe penalties, and should not be treated lightly. For example, engaging in prostitution with a person who is under the age of fourteen shall be fined not more than seventy-five thousand dollars, imprisoned at hard labor for not less than twenty- five years nor more than fifty years, or both. Twenty-five years of the sentence imposed will be without benefit of parole, probation, or suspension of sentence. Likewise, the offenses of inciting prostitution and letting premises for prostitution involving persons under the age of eighteen years shall be fined not more than $50,000.00, imprisoned at hard labor for not less than 15 years nor more than 50 years, or both. Prostitution accusations might be difficult to prove depending on the evidence and whether the sexual activity was in exchange for payment or whether it was wholly unconnected to the payment. To ensure the accusations are valid, the prosecutor must prove that the two are related.
What are the prostitution offenses in Louisiana?

Any person older than seventeen who has sexual contact with a prostitute who is younger than eighteen is breaking the law. Additionally, it is unlawful for any parent or tutor of a person under 18 to knowingly allow that person to engage in prostitution. An alleged criminal cannot argue ignorance of the victim’s age or consent when facing this offense. Here are some of the common prostitution crimes in Louisiana:
Soliciting a Prostitute
This is the act of luring someone to a location by invitation or other means to promote prostitution.
Inciting Prostitution
When someone knows—or should know—that what they are doing is for prostitution and when the proceeds are to be shared in any way for their actions, it is illegal to aid, abet, or assist in a business where customers pay a fee for services that include prostitution.
Promoting Prostitution
The control, supervision, or management of an enterprise with knowledge and intent to make money by asking customers to pay a fee for services that include prostitution, regardless of how much of the cost is actually for prostitute services.
This is any of the following intentional acts: (1) enticing, placing, persuading, encouraging, or causing the entrance of any person into the practice of prostitution, either by force, threats, promises, or by any other device or scheme; (2) maintaining a place where prostitution is habitually practiced; (3) detaining any person in any place of prostitution by force, threats, promises, or by any other device or scheme; (4) receiving or accepting by a person as a substantial part of support or maintenance anything of value which is known to be from the earnings of any person engaged in prostitution; (5) consenting, on the part of any parent or tutor of any person, to the person’s entrance or detention in the practice of prostitution; or (6) transporting any person from one place to another for the purpose of promoting the practice of prostitution.
Letting Premises for Prostitution
This is the granting of the right of use or the leasing of any premises, knowing that they are to be used for the practice of prostitution, or allowing the continued use of the premises with such knowledge.
Enticing Persons Into Prostitution
Enticing people into prostitution is when a person over 17 utilizes coercion, threats, promises, or any other device or scheme to lure, place, convince, encourage, or cause the admission of a person under the age 21 into the practice of prostitution. Again, the defense of ignorance of the other person’s age is not permitted. Additionally, maintaining, owning, or helping to run a prostitute establishment is illegal.
What is an example of prostitution?

Sometimes, in larger towns like Baton Rouge, prostitution may occur in a variety of ways and in a variety of settings including when a prostitute approaches you in a bar, on a street, or while you are in your automobile and asks if you’d like to engage in sexual activity for a fee. It occurs rather frequently in populated areas, such as the downtown area or where the clubs and parties are.
What are the penalties for prostitution in Louisiana?
Some prostitution related crimes are felony offenses with substantial penalties including large fines and significant terms of imprisonment. These offenses, and the penalties they impose upon a conviction or guilty plea, should not be taken lightly. They have the power to change both your and your loved ones’ futures significantly. The following are Louisiana’s general prostitution punishments:
- First offense: up to 6 months in jail and a fine of $500
- Second offense: up to two years in jail, either with or without hard labor or fines ranging from $250 to $2,000
- Three or more offenses: up to 4 years in jail, with or without hard labor, and fines ranging from $500 to $4,000.
However, because prostitution is a considerably more severe criminal offense when a juvenile is involved, the penalties are significantly raised. The following penalties apply if the kid concerned is under 14:
- The individual will be fined no more than $75,000, a sentence of no more than 50 years in prison with hard labor, or both.
The following are the consequences for accusations of prostitution if the minor concerned is between the ages of 14 and 17:
- The offender shall be fined no more than $50,000, a term of imprisonment at hard labor of not less than 15 years nor more than 50 years, or both
What are the prostitution defenses?

David E. Stanley, APLC, would inform you of any factual or legal solid defenses you might not have considered based on the stated circumstances that could support the prostitution charge almost immediately. You will benefit from the solid defenses by David E. Stanley, APLC. He would dutifully make every effort to keep you safe and secure until the accusation of this crime is dropped.
If you believe your case to be the worst-case situation and are inclined to give up and plead guilty, hire David E. Stanley to strike a deal with the prosecution to lessen the sentence. Your legal counsel would exert every effort to lower your sentence and, if possible, have the charges dropped entirely. Choose a defense lawyer with extensive experience to increase the likelihood that the matter will get settled quickly.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Considered Prostitution in Louisiana?
Prostitution is the practice by a person of engaging in indiscriminate sexual activity with others for compensation in Louisiana under statute RS 14:82.
Is Prostitution a Felony in Louisiana?
Provided that the prostitute is not under 18 years of age, first offense prostitution and soliciting for prostitutes are misdemeanor crimes in Louisiana. However, if the offender is over the age of 17 and the prostitute is under 18 years of age, and the age difference between them is greater than 2 years, it becomes a felony punishable by a fine of not more than $50,000.00, imprisonment at hard labor for not less than 15 years nor more than 50 years, or both. A second, third, or subsequent prostitution offense is a felony offense and the penalties increase in severity with each subsequent conviction.
What is the Penalty for Prostitution in Louisiana?
Anyone found guilty of soliciting for prostitutes faces a maximum punishment of $750, a maximum sentence of six months in prison, or both.
The Trusted Prostitution Criminal Defense Attorney in Baton Rouge, LA

There are numerous ways to defend against prostitution-related offenses. Each case is unique, and the types of evidence required to prove or defend against these offenses vary. Contacting a knowledgeable Louisiana criminal attorney is your first and best line of defense. Your attorney will assess the available proof and witnesses, conduct the necessary investigation, and collaborate with closing you to develop your defense.
David E. Stanley, APLC, a highly skilled, respected, and trusted criminal defense lawyer, will take immediate action to quickly preserve and test any available relevant evidence that may be helpful to your defense. Please contact David Stanley today if you’ve been detained or accused of prostitution or any other prostitution-related offenses such as inciting prostitution, promoting prostitution, letting premises for prostitution, enticing persons into prostitution, or pandering. Don’t wait, get the advice and assistance that you need right now.
David E. Stanley, APLC
1055 Laurel St #2, Baton Rouge, LA 70802, United States