In Louisiana, a person is guilty of armed robbery if they possess or use a deadly weapon while forcibly stealing property or immediately fleeing the scene of the theft. Armed robbery falls under the broader category of first-degree robbery, which is a class B felony and carries a maximum 25-year prison sentence. While these charges are severe, our experienced Baton Rouge criminal defense attorneys are prepared to help you understand and defend against them.
These are examples of “deadly weapons:”
Switchblades, daggers, blackjacks, plastic or metal knuckles, any type of gravity, pilum ballistic, metal knuckle knife; loaded weapons from which a shot can cause serious injury or death.
The use of a deadly weapon during a robbery imposes a mandatory minimum of five years in state prison upon conviction. Because the charges and potential sentence upon conviction are severe, contact our experienced Baton Rouge criminal defense attorneys immediately for assistance in obtaining the best possible outcome for your case.
Keep in mind that no actual injury must occur during the robbery for these charges to be brought; it is sufficient that the robber possesses one of the above-mentioned weapons. Even if the weapon was never used, for example, if the robber held an unsheathed switchblade but never used it for anything, not even to threaten anyone, they could still be charged with armed robbery. Note that even if no weapon was used during the robbery itself, a person can still be charged with armed robbery if they are armed or become armed as they leave the area where the robbery took place.
However, you still have options if you have been charged with attempted robbery. Our team of experienced criminal defense attorneys may be able to apply certain defenses to these charges, such as filing a motion to dismiss the charges or having the evidence suppressed, despite the gravity of the allegations. Additionally, the evidence must demonstrate that the weapon was present during or during the process of fleeing the crime scene.
Previous cases have demonstrated that the presence of a note suggesting or stating that the robber is armed is insufficient evidence to convict a person of armed robbery. In this argument, it is asserted that more extensive evidence of the existence of a weapon is required, such as a witness having seen the weapon or video or photographic evidence of the weapon’s existence during or after the robbery.
If you have been charged with armed robbery, contact our team of seasoned Baton Rouge criminal defense attorneys immediately to discuss possible defense strategies. Our team is prepared to collaborate with you to determine the optimal course of action for achieving the best possible outcome in your case.
Armed robbery is a serious offense that can result in significant prison time if convicted. If you have been charged with armed robbery, it is essential to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney who can protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome in your case. David E. Stanley is a criminal justice attorney in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who has extensive experience handling armed robbery cases. He will thoroughly investigate the facts of your case and work tirelessly to develop a strong defense strategy. Additionally, he will make sure that you understand all of your legal options so that you can make informed decisions about your case. Contact David E. Stanley today to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

David Stanley is the founder and principal of David E. Stanley APLC. Since 1983, Mr. Stanley has successfully practiced law from his office in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.